Dr. Lisa Narbeshuber

Photo of Dr. Lisa Narbeshuber

Position: Professor
Office: BAC 432
Phone: 902-585-1251
Email: lisa.narbeshuber@acadiau.ca




Research interests: My research interests include explorations of contemporary American poetry, especially the poetry of Sylvia Plath, and most recently the relationship between the poetry of Plath and Ted Hughes. I also work on theorizing Ernest Hemingway’s short stories, sometimes exploring the relationship between art and literature.

Teaching: My classes are discussion-based with some lecturing. We cover an overview of works around a specific time-period, examining how the texts interrelate. In addition to the usual essays, midterm, and exam, the 3000 and 4000 level courses include one or two presentations (depending on class size) and sometimes creative journals or writing reviews.

Selected Publications and Honours:
My publications include articles and book chapters on Hemingway in the Hemingway Review, the Canadian Review of American Studies, Hemingway in Context, and Hemingway: Eight Decades of Criticism. I have articles on Sylvia Plath in the Canadian Review of American Studies and The Norton Introduction to Literature (Shorter Thirteenth Edition). I have a book entitled Confessing Cultures: Politics and the Self in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath (ELS editions 2009, 2015).