Dr. Patricia Rigg

Dr. Patricia Rigg

Position: Professor Emerita
Education: B.A. (Concordia), M.A., Ph.D. (Calgary)
Email: patricia.rigg@acadiau.ca





Research interests: Victorian Poetry and Fiction; British Aestheticism and Decadence; Feminist Criticism and Gender Studies; Robert Browning; Augusta Webster; A. Mary F. Robinson; Baudelaire and French Symbolist influences on Nineteenth-Century English Autobiographical Poetry.

My research focuses on Victorian poetry, often in the context of gender studies and nineteenth-century culture, and more specifically on autobiography and poetry. Publications include three books: Robert Browning’s Romantic Irony in The Ring and the Book (1999), Julia Augusta Webster: Victorian Aestheticism and the Woman Writer (2009), and A. Mary F. Robinson: Victorian Poet and Modern Woman of Letters (2021). I was guest editor in 2017 of a collection of essays for the journal Victorian Poetry and have published essays in several major nineteenth-century journals, most recently on Eugene Lee-Hamilton and neurasthenia in Victorian Studies. I am currently working on a book length study of the influence of Charles Baudelaire on the development of English Sonnet sequences in the Anglo-French climate of the Fin-de-Siècle, a project which is supported by a SSHRC Insight Grant.