2nd Annual Aboriginal Arts & Literature Mawio'mi

2nd Annual Aboriginal Arts & Literature Mawio’mi
Fountain Commons Great Hall
Acadia University
Nov. 5 & 6, 2014


The Mawio'mi (gathering) is a cross-campus, community-wide public event, with the Arts and Literature showcase and sale in heart of the campus. The theme for the public event, health and well-being, is inspired by the title of Richard Wagamese's novel, Medicine Walk, and the paintings that Melissa Sue Labrador graciously gave us permission to use for this year's schedule of events. Come and see the artwork, meet the artists, enjoy poetry, purchase art to give or to keep, create something at the workshops, listen to Aboriginal Elders and Speakers, and get to know Aboriginal community members throughout the two-day event.

Funding and other support for this event has been provided by The Canada Council for the Arts (Wagamese Reading), The Candy Show, The Fundy Film Society, Québékoisie filmmakers Mélanie Carrier and Olivier Higgins, and their distributor David Chouinard & Vidéographe (an artist run centre in Montréal), Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-op, The Wolfville Farmers’ Market, The Box of Delights Bookstore, Paula Huntley at Winners in New Minas, Frenchy’s in Windsor, Acadia Student Services, the President's Office, the Deans of Professional Studies and of Pure and Applied Science, The Vaughan Memorial Library, The Schools of Nutrition and Dietetics, and of Education, The Women and Gender Studies Program, the Departments of English & Theatre, Politics, History & Classics, and the Lumsden Chair in Religious Studies Fund.

To view a full SCHEDULE of the events, click here.

Other confirmed artists
Gerald Gloade: http://truroartsociety.ca/memberb4aa.html?ID=199
Lorne Julienhttp://www.mash-webdesign.com/lornejulien/
John Huston (bringing Inuit art): http://www.houston-north-gallery.ns.ca/
Cathy Martin (bringing new poems by her sister Mary Louise Martin, among other things)
Holly Meuse (Wednesday Hand Drum Making Workshop and Thursday Talking Stick Workshop)
Anne Nicholas (Beading Worskhops, both days)
and others…

See Artist Bios here.

Also attending: 
Elder Wilma Simon (Nov. 5 & 6)
Elder Doug Knockwood (Nov. 5)

Contacts: cynthia.alexander142@gmail.com & andrea.schwenke.wyile@acadiau.ca

Telephone: English & Theatre Department Main Office (902) 585-1502

Last Update: November 5, 2014


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