Audrey Eastwood
Position: Theatre Instructor and Technical Director
Office: BAC 438 and HDH 134
Phone: 902-585-1157
Bio: Audrey Eastwood is an actor, designer, musician, technician, fight choreographer, and arts administrator. She has spent the past seven years as the General Manager of the Bus Stop Theatre Co-operative, Halifax’s only independent, accessible, affordable black box theatre venue. The Bus Stop hosts over 200 performances annually and serves as an incubator space for emerging artists to showcase their work while being supported by the Bus Stop staff in all areas of artistic production. Audrey is the Artistic Producer of Terra Novella Theatre, a company that strives to work with and showcase emerging artists in Nova Scotia. A graduate of the Acadia Theatre program, she has worked professionally for a number of Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia based companies including Villain’s Theatre, Kick at the Dark Theatre Co-op, Halifax Summer Opera, Halifax Fringe, Votive Dance, The Centre for Alternative Theatre Training (CATT), and Whale Song Theatre.
Teaching: There are many aspects to the production side of theatre, whether it be stage management, set building, lighting, sound, projection, publicity, costumes, props, etc. The Introduction to Production class gives students, through lectures and hands-on projects, a base working knowledge of the technical side of theatre.
This knowledge is then applied to the Production Credit I oversee as students work on each semester's theatre production. Students are assigned to a department (stage management, set, lighting, props, costumes, sound, projection, and publicity) and learn from myself and other industry professionals as we work to create the production. This structure supports students becoming well rounded theatre professionals that are fluent in the technical language of theatre, have an appreciation for the time and work needed to create a production from start to finish, and who, upon graduation, are capable of working in a variety of aspects within their field.